Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Glowing Skin

We constantly apply new skin care treatments and remedies on our faces to fight off acne, but we don’t realize that our problems can be solved internally by consuming some of the foods that will clear your skin naturally.


One of the foods that will clear your skin and improve your health is artichoke. Due to its high antioxidant content, it’s often used in creams and cosmetics as an herbal remedy. But regular consumption of this tasty vegetable can not only have health benefits, but also improve your skin and add on to your luminosity!


One food that should be added to your menu as one of the the first steps to clearer skin is tofu.  It’s a good source of protein, calcium, unsaturated fats, antioxidants, and minerals. 


Since steady blood sugar levels and skin health are linked, it only makes sense to switch out the processed white carbohydrates for wholegrain brown rice. Brown rice not only provides Vitamin B, minerals and antioxidants but also regulates sugar levels. 


Water plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining a healthy, glowing skin! There is an unlimited amount of health benefits from staying hydrated. It flushes out toxins, keeps the brain functional, and replenishes water cells.


Nuts are a good solution to your acne problem if the causes of your skin condition are deficiencies in minerals, such as zinc and selenium. They help increase the amount of white blood cells in the body and strengthen their fighting power. And Vitamin E and other minerals are all essential for healthy skin. 


Although the smell doesn't give it away, raw garlic is a boost for your skin and your body! It reacts with blood to kill off many harmful bacteria and viruses that cause skin infections. To get the most out of garlic, it’s best to eat it raw. Chop it in a salad or meal and you are guaranteed to see improvements from your healthy diet!


Sweet potatoes are more beneficial for your overall health and skin. They can improve the circulation to your skin, regulate blood sugar levels and as a result lift your mood! So if you want to see a change in your skin, switch out the regular potatoes for sweet potatoes!

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